A special message from API:
API is about families and a peaceful, joyful world. Our approach is to focus on spreading healthy attachment, empathy, responsiveness, and love. We look around and know there is an immense amount of work to be done and support to give.
As a grassroots movement and nonprofit, is valuable to have good strategies to take on the work. API relies on a small staff, incredible volunteers, and these strong systems to support parents, children, and professionals around the world.
Recently, API updated its systems to make its process more efficient for our volunteers and easier and more pleasant for you! We love that our new system is called "Kindful" and we'll be using it with "Constant Contact," which also seems quite fitting.
We wanted you to know what was up and not lose anyone along the way. We also take this moment offer a special thank you for all the effort to help API make this transition while keeping our services going.
You will see the new improved API when you become an AP Advocate or support API programs, sign up for API Links, or explore API Leadership. We hope you like it and we welcome your feedback.